Friday, August 29, 2014

My entrance on to the stage

So I'm creating a new blog to start talking about makeup, hair, workouts, products/things I like (or don't), and anything else I feel I just want to talk about. I might do a YouTube channel as well, but I'm not sold on that just yet. I'm not so comfortable with being on video. I'm a 27 (soon to be 28) year old married paralegal who works in Royal Oak. I LOVE my husband, Harry Potter, makeup, and clothes (in that order). I'm trying to get healthy, lose weight, and in a few months get pregnant.

Here are some of the post topics I plan to do:

Ulta Hauls
Ipsy Unboxings
Workouts with Ashley
Harry Potter Book Club Meetings (Treats, Discussions, etc.)

I might also do some tutorials, reviews, favs, and other beauty videos, but I think we will just wait and see on that. This is the start of my birthday weekend, which magically falls on Labor Day weekend so I have Monday off too! I plan to have a good time and really enjoy myself. When this weekend is over I'm going to stop drinking and eat amazingly healthy until we get to Florida. I think it might help me kick the depression I've been experiencing for the last few months.

Well that's all for my introduction, but I do plan to take a crazy amount of pictures this weekend and post a few blogs possibly at the beginning of next week.


Mel <3